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Vitalij Pecharsky

Iowa State University; Ames Laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy

Areas of expertise include synthesis, structure, experimental thermodynamics, physical, and chemical properties of intermetallic compounds containing rare-earth metals; anomalous behavior of 4f-electron systems; magnetostructural phase transformations; physical properties of ultra-pure rare earth metals; caloric materials and systems; mechanochemistry, mechanically induced solid-state reactions, and mechanochemical transformations; and relationships between composition, structure, physical and chemical properties of materials.

Vitalij Pecharsky is an Anson Marston Distinguished Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at Iowa State University and a faculty scientist, group leader and PI at Ames Laboratory. He leads a DOE-BES program on “Extraordinary responsive magnetic rare earth materials,” and a number of applied science projects. The latter include “High power density magnetocaloric and elastocaloric systems” supported jointly by the Advanced Manufacturing and Building Technologies Offices of DOE-EERE, and “SmFeN as a cost-effective high performance magnet,” ”Deployable rare earth metallization (DREM) methods,“ and “Mechanochemical extraction of lithium at low temperature (MELLT) from chemical-grade domestic α-spodumenes,” all within the Critical Materials Institute – a U.S. DOE Energy Innovation Hub.

He also serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Alloys and Compounds, and together with Professor Jean-Claude Bunzli co-edits the Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths.

Vitalij has doctorate in inorganic chemistry and a bachelor’s and master’s in chemistry (with distinction), all from Ivan Franko National University of L’viv, formerly L’viv State University in Ukraine.

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