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Magnetic sensors fill a crucial technology space across multiple industries. While many of you have had a chance to develop materials for or perform laboratory tests on magnetic sensors, it is likely that you didn’t fully explore their practical use. To expand your skills, we invite you to participate in the Magnetic Sensor Challenge (MSC).
The Challenge is open to students registered for the Conference and attending in person. It will start on Monday evening with an introductory presentation by Dr. Joe Davies (Quantinuum). Teams will be formed at that time and provided with magnetoresistive sensors, magnets, and an Arduino design kit.
The teams will use their own creativity to develop a sensor circuit and perform measurements. The teams will create and submit a Tik-Tok video showcasing their solution by the end of the day on Thursday. The most creative and best presented solutions will be announced on Friday at the Conference, receive an award and be recognized on the Conference website.
Congratulations to the MMM 2022 Winners! #2022mmmsensorchallenge
First Place: “Magnetic Magic Wand”
- Sabbir Alam, Virginia Commonwealth University
- Yulan Chen, Cornell University
- Arindam Samanta, Tyndall National Institute, UCC
Click here to view the winning video:
Second Place: “Badge-o-matic”
- Sapida Akhundzada, University of Kassel
- Andrej Farkas, Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences
- Jianing Li, Eindhoven University of Technology
Click here to view video:
Third place: “Magnetic Chicken”
- Renata Saha, University of Minnesota
- Isaac Harris, UC Berkeley
- Vaishnavi Kateel, IMEC
Click here to view video: