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Presentation Information

Mmm22 Logo W Dates 01

Contributed papers accepted for the Conference will be presented either as oral or poster presentations.  Both oral and poster presentations are vital to the success of the Conference and are expected to be of similarly high technical quality.  Accepted authors will be expected to confirm their attendance mode, in-person or online, no later than August 25, 2022. 

Additional details including presentation upload links will be sent to accepted authors at the end of August.


AUGUST 25, 2022
Accepted Presenters Confirm Conference Attendance Plans (In-Person or Virtual)

OCTOBER 7, 2022
Presenter & Session Chair Registration Deadline
Presentation Upload Deadline

Oral Contributed Presentations

  • All oral presenters will be required to submit a prerecorded presentation, even if they are presenting in person.
  • The presenting author or representative must be registered at the Conference and available to provide details and answer questions during the Conference.
  • The contributed presentation format is a 10-minute talk by the registered author, followed by a 2-minute discussion period for in-person attendees.
  • The invited presentation format is a 30-minute talk by the registered author, followed by a 6-minute discussion period for in-person attendees.
  • Click on the appropriate link below to view the presenter instructions and access the Presenter Form (page 12).  Using the Presenter Form, you will submit your bio, photo and upload your presentation.
  • For in-person oral presentations:
    • Authors are expected to bring their presentation on their own laptop computer along with a backup copy on a USB drive in case of laptop failure.

    • Slide presentations should be formatted for 16:9 aspect ratio.

    • If you are presenting with an Apple computer, please ensure you have appropriate connector cords.

Poster Presentations

  • All poster presenters will be required to submit a virtual poster, even if they are presenting in person.
  • Posters should consist of well-prepared visual materials about the work.
  • The presenting author or representative must be registered at the Conference and available to provide details and answer questions during the Conference.
  • Only in-person poster presentations will be eligible for the Best Poster Award.

In-Person Poster Guidelines

  • Posters should be printed to fit the onsite presentation board dimensions of 116 cm (46 inches) wide by 238 cm (94 inches) high.
  • Posting a copy of a paper is NOT appropriate and will be treated as a NO SHOW.
  • The Conference provides a small sign designating the ID of the presentation to be posted on each board and a small number of push pins for displaying the poster on the board.

Virtual Poster Guidelines

  • Top of the poster should clearly display:  Abstract Title, Authors/Affiliation and Abstract Number
  • Landscape orientation; format 16:9 ratio
  • One (1) page PDF file; minimum 300 dpi
  • Do not embed video, animation, audio, or hyperlinks or QR codes
  • Save file name as Author Last Name and Abstract Number (example: Smith152.pdf)

Click on the link below to view the presenter instructions and access the Presenter Form (page 3).  Using the Presenter Form, you will submit your bio, photo and upload your poster.

No Show Policy

If any of the following applies, then the paper will be recorded as a NO SHOW and will not be published.

  • Abstracts that are listed in the program but are NOT presented in person or virtually (no presentation file uploaded).
  • Abstracts that are presented by an unregistered and/or unknowledgeable author or representative.
  • Abstracts that did not have a registered author or representative available and responsive during the Conference to address questions.

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