Dr. Hadimani is an Associate Professor and the Director of the Biomagnetics Laboratory at the Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering of Virginia Commonwealth University. He is currently on sabbatical as a Visiting Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School, Harvard University. He has founded the IEEE Joint Magnetics and Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society’s Richmond Chapter and he is the current vice chair of the chapter. He is an Associate Editor of the journals, Frontiers of Neuroscience and American Institute of Physics (AIP) Advances.
Dr. Hadimani’s research focus is on biomagnetic materials and devices for biomedical applications, magnetocaloric refrigeration, and energy harvesting. He has developed a first-of-a-kind anatomically accurate brain phantom for validating neuromodulation procedures techniques. He has developed a hybrid piezoelectric and photovoltaic energy harvester which is capable of harvesting electrical energy from solar, wind, and rain energy. This invention was awarded the UK Energy Innovation Award in 2011. Dr. Hadimani is also awarded the International Young Scientist Fellowship by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) in 2013. He received the Engineer of the Year award by the Richmond Joint Engineers’ Council in 2021. He has authored more than 96 peer-reviewed original research papers, more than 200 international conference papers, 12 current and pending patents, several invited trade magazine articles, a book, and 3 book chapters to date.
Dr. Hadimani has a ‘first class’ honors degree in Mechanical Engineering from Kuvempu University, India, an MS in Mechatronics from the University of Newcastle, UK, and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Cardiff University, UK. He has served as a Project Scientist at the Institute of Materials Research and Innovation of the University of Bolton, UK. He was an Adjunct Assistant Professor and Associate Scientist at Iowa State University and was also an Associate of Ames Laboratory, US Dept. of Energy.
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