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Lake Shore Cryotronics

Events Supporting:

  • Bierstube (Tuesday, November 1)
  • Symposium – Metrics and Measurements of Spin-Orbit Torque MRAM

Lake Shore offers VSMs that combine 15-nemu sensitivity, 1 T/s field sweep rates, and 10 ms/pt data acquisition rates for accurate, fast characterization of magnetic material properties; superconducting magnet systems; electromagnet platforms; cryogenic probe stations with integrated magnets for on-wafer magneto-transport, DC, RF, or microwave measurements; and a new modular synchronous measure system combining the convenience of DC and AC sourcing with DC and AC measurement, including a lock-in’s sensitivity, for advanced measurement applications, including spin-orbit torque measurements. Also available: precision teslameters and other magnetic measurement instruments.

American Physical Society (APS) Topical Group on Magnetism and its Applications (GMAG)

Events Supporting:

  • Student Networking Reception
  • Women in Magnetism Networking Event

The American Physical Society (APS) Topical Group on Magnetism and its Applications (GMAG) serves the APS magnetism community organizing conference sessions of interest to physicists working on magnetism and its applications; and by fostering interactions and meetings with other scientists and engineers interested in advancing and diffusing knowledge of the multidisciplinary field of magnetism. GMAG represents one of the fastest-growing scientific sectors of the APS.

GMW Associates

Event Supporting: Best Poster Award

GMW began operations in 1982 in Redwood City, California. Hilton Glavish, Barry MacKinnon and Ian Walker, from the defunct New Zealand company ANAC, came to the US to support their existing North American customers. The company quickly moved from solely Lab Electromagnets into instrumentation, getting into the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) business with the founding of Metrolab Technology in the mid 80’s. Accelerator Physics and MRI drove growth throughout the 80’s and into the 90’s, with the Superconducting Supercollider (SSC) cancellation in 1993 allowing the company to further diversify into additional markets. GMW moved to our current location in San Carlos in 1991, and has expanded our Industrial Road facility three times since, now having 13,000 square feet and adding state-of-the art measuring equipment in magnetic field and electric current.

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